Architecture and design must be live – we just finished the record 3rd edition of 4 Design Days

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“As architects we endeavour to change the world for the better”, said Ewa Kuryłowicz during the 4 Design Days in Katowice. The social mission of design and architecture at Spodek and the International Congress Centre was discussed by almost 9,000 professionals: architects, designers, representatives of business and local government. 25,000 fans of good design had the opportunity to take generous advantage of the open days, with many meetings with world-renowned artists, TV stars, workshops, exhibitions, advice by experts and fairs.

“Praise for such events like the 4 Design Days”, said Robert Konieczny, an architect heading KWK Promes, during the event opening. “Broad attendance by people from the outside and the discussions that will reach them will make them more aware”.
During the 4 Design Days for professionals (15-16 February) there were almost 50 panel sessions devoted to such issues as: social functions of architecture and design, designing without barriers or the image of cities of the future. The experts jointly discussed the appropriate way for design: design thinking or design feeling, they further discussed the difficult art of revitalisation, the design of hotels, space for work and for cars.

“Major changes have been taking place in Polish architecture and design. The effects of work by Polish designers and architects are already very popular and appreciated not only in Europe but also globally. The 4 Design Days 2018 event was an opportunity for a multi-subject discussion with opinions voiced by leading authors from Poland and by a good representation of world-renowned foreign architects and designers”, say Robert Posytek and Małgorzata Burzec-Lewandowska, authors of the 4 Design Days program.
“We have created a unique opportunity for architects and designers to meet representatives of business and local government and start a dialogue on the best solutions for cities, for people, for us”, adds Małgorzata Burzec-Lewandowska.
“The third edition of the 4 Design Days has consolidated its position as a mandatory point on the events map. Our guests from Poland and abroad once again appreciated the high technical level and the varied program we had developed. It attracted a record number of 9,000 professionals to Spodek and MCK”, says Robert Posytek.

The days for professionals additionally covered conferences accompanying the 4 Design Days: Housemarket Forum Silesia 2018 (devoted to the regional housing market), Property Forum Katowice 2018 (a meeting of owners and managers of companies operating on the commercial property market) and the Furniture Sector Forum 2018, along with the accompanying final galas of the following competitions: Housemarket Silesia Awards 2018, Property Design Awards 2018 and Furniture Gala 2018.

Open days for residents of the region, Polish and foreign guests (17-18 February) drew a record number of 25,000 people to Spodek and the International Congress Centre.
Visitors were also offered free advice by interior decorators, themed workshops and the children’s zone for little designers.

“Our growing awareness as users and addressees of architecture is evidenced by the attendance at the open days. Every day we like to stay in beautiful places and well-designed spaces where we can look for inspiration, work, rest and have fun. At Spodek and the International Congress Centre we could see the most recent trends as well as the best architecture and design. It is our objective to surprise our guests even more next year”, said Małgorzata Burzec-Lewandowska.

The 4 Design Days were held on 15-18 February 2018 at the International Congress Centre in Katowice and also for the first time at Spodek.